Organic Harvest Gluten Free Jalapeno Pepper Sauce
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Our Organic Harvest Gluten Free Jalapeno Pepper Sauce is hand made with 100% Organic Peppers grown in the sunny Rio Grande Valley of New Mexico. Therefore, in this bottle, you get a pepper sauce with a thick, rich, zestful flavor that includes organic purity. Give it a try, you will LOVE it!!
OH-10 One-5 oz. Bottle ................................ $7.99
OH-14 Three-5 oz. Bottles ............................ $20.99
OH-11 Six-5oz. Bottles ................................. $28.99
OH-12 Twelve-5oz. Bottles ............................ $45.99
OH-13 32-oz. Bottle ..................................... $21.99
12000-4 Forty Eight-5oz. Bottles.................... $145.99
12002-18 Eighteen 32-oz. Bottles.................. $247.99